Last Updated on August 20, 2024
The original Qur’an was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad in the awesome Arabic language, Arabic language has always been central to Arab culture. Arabic, a Semitic language with complex structure and extensive vocabulary, conveyed nuanced meanings precisely. This eloquence made it ideal for the Quran, allowing its divine message to be communicated clearly and powerfully. The deep connection Arabs had with their language meant the Quran’s verses had a profound intellectual and emotional impact.
Before Islam, Arabs, living as nomads in tribes, used their language as a core part of their identity. Poetry and oral storytelling preserved their history, laws, and values, with poets holding significant societal roles. This reliance on oral tradition developed a strong memory among Arabs, essential for retaining extensive information.
Memory was crucial for survival in pre-Islamic Arab society, where harsh conditions made written records impractical. Arabs relied on memorization from a young age to recall poetry, genealogies, and laws. This emphasis on memory facilitated the preservation of the Quran.
Memorization was a revered art, with accurate recall highly valued in the community. This proficiency in language and memorization was key when the Quran was revealed, as early Muslims depended on oral transmission to protect the Prophet Muhammad’s revelations.
This way, the original Qur’an was transmitted smoothly without fear of losing or changing it.
The Revelation of the Quran
The Beginning of the Revelation
The revelation of the Quran began in the year 610 CE when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was visited by the Angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira. This marked the beginning of a 23-year period during which the Quran was revealed in stages. The Prophet, known for his honesty and trustworthiness, was chosen by God to deliver His final message to humanity. The revelations were delivered in Arabic, a language that was not only the mother tongue of the Prophet but also the lingua franca of the Arabian Peninsula.
Muhammad’s First Encounter with Gabriel
The first revelation was a profound and life-changing experience for the Prophet Muhammad. Gabriel appeared to him and commanded him to “Read!” (Iqra), even though the Prophet was illiterate. The first verses revealed were from Surah Al-Alaq (96:1-5), which emphasized the importance of knowledge and the act of reading. This initial encounter set the tone for the rest of the Quranic revelation, which would continue to be revealed over the next two decades.
What Happened to the Original Quran?
Transmission of the Quran
In the early days of Islam, the Quran was primarily transmitted orally. The Prophet Muhammad would recite the verses as they were revealed to him, and his companions would memorize them. This way of preservation was in line with the Arab tradition of oral transmission, where memorization played a key role in safeguarding knowledge.
Later, The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to order a group of companions ” Sahaba” to write down the revelation, and they are known as the Book of Revelation – may God be pleased with them. There has been no evidence that the Qur’an was compiled in one Qur’an during the era of the Messenger peace be upon him, but rather the entire Qur’an was written during the era of the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him, but divided into papers and on leather and boards.
The Role of Companions (Sahaba) in Preserving the Original Quran
The Prophet’s closest companions, known as the Sahabah, took on the responsibility of memorizing the Quran. Among them were individuals who memorized the entire Quran, known as Hafiz. These companions were instrumental in ensuring the Quran’s preservation, as they passed on the recited verses to others and corrected any errors that might arise during transmission.

Collecting and Writing the Original Quran After the Prophet Muhammad’s Death
After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the Muslim community faced the challenge of preserving the Quran in a unified and standardized form. During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, the first caliph, the need for a written compilation of the Quran became urgent. This was particularly after the Battle of Yamama, where many of the companions who had memorized the Quran were martyred. Fearing that the Quran might be lost, Abu Bakr ordered the collection of all the written and memorized parts of the Quran into a single, comprehensive manuscript.
The mission of compiling the Quran was entrusted to Zaid ibn Thabit, a trusted companion of the Prophet and one of his primary scribes. Zaid meticulously gathered the verses from various sources, including the memories of Sahabah and the written records, and compiled them into a single book. This compilation became known as the Mushaf.
Later, during the caliphate of Uthman, the third caliph, further steps were taken to ensure the uniformity of the Quranic text. Uthman ordered that copies of the Quran be made from the original Mushaf and sent to various regions of the Islamic empire. This standardization process ensured that the Quran remained consistent and unchanged across the Muslim world.
God’s Promise to Preserve and Protect the Holy Quran Throughout Time
One of the most profound aspects of the Quran is the promise made by God to preserve it for all time. In Surah Al-Hijr (15:9), God says, “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran, and indeed, We will be its guardian.”
“إِنَّا نَحۡنُ نَزَّلۡنَا ٱلذِّكۡرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَٰفِظُونَ”
This divine assurance has been a source of comfort and confidence for Muslims throughout history, as it guarantees that the Quran will remain unchanged and protected from any alteration or distortion.
The original Quran is preserved through both oral and written means. The tradition of memorizing the Quran, known as Hifz, continues to be a vital part of Islamic practice. Thousands of Muslims around the world commit the entire Quran to memory, ensuring that the text is preserved in its original form.
In addition to memorization, the Quran has been meticulously copied and preserved in written form. Early manuscripts of the Quran, some dating back to the time of Uthman, have been discovered and studied, confirming the consistency and accuracy of the text throughout the centuries.
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