Surah Al Maun Transliteration And English Translation

Surah Al Maun Transliteration And English Translation

Last Updated on July 22, 2024

Understanding the Quran is a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith. Surah Al Maun, a short but powerful chapter, offers profound lessons. Moddakir Academy stands out as a premier institution to help you delve deeper into the Quran, offering a range of courses including online Quran recitation and Arabic language courses.

Surah Al Maun, the 107th chapter of the Quran, comprises seven verses. It addresses the themes of social justice, hypocrisy, and the importance of caring for orphans and the needy. This Surah reminds Muslims of their moral obligations towards others.

Transliteration of Surah Al Maun

Transliteration helps non-Arabic speakers to read and pronounce Arabic text correctly. Here is the full transliteration of Surah Al Maun:

  1. Ara-aytal-lathee yukaththibu biddeen
  2. Fathalikal-lathee yadu’ul-yateem
  3. Wala yahuddu ‘ala ta’amil-miskeen
  4. Fawaylul lilmusalleen
  5. Allatheena hum ‘an salatihim sahoon
  6. Allatheena hum yura-oon
  7. Wayamna’oonal-ma’oon

Surah Al Maun Transliteration

English Translation of Surah Al Maun

  1. Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense?
  2. For that is the one who drives away the orphan
  3. And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
  4. [But] who are heedless of their prayer
  5. Those who make show [of their deeds]
  6. And withhold [simple] assistance.

Moddakir Academy for Online Quran Recitation

Moddakir Academy is dedicated to providing high-quality Quranic education. With a mission to make Quranic learning accessible to all, they offer various courses tailored to different needs.

Why Choose Moddakir?

Expert Instructors

Moddakir Academy boasts a team of highly qualified instructors who are well-versed in Quranic recitation and teachings.

Flexible Learning Schedule

Understanding the busy lives of students, Moddakir offers flexible learning schedules to accommodate everyone.

Comprehensive Curriculum

The academy’s curriculum is designed to cover all aspects of Quranic education, from basic recitation to advanced Tajweed and Tafsir.


Arabic Courses at Moddakir Academy

Moddakir offers a structured Arabic course that starts from the basics and progresses to advanced levels, ensuring a thorough understanding of the language.

Learning Arabic with Moddakir not only helps in understanding the Quran better but also opens up a world of cultural and historical knowledge.

How to Enroll at Moddakir Academy

Enrolling at Moddakir is straightforward. Visit contact us page, fill out the application form, and start your journey. You can also book a free trial directly.

Moddakir’s support team is always ready to assist with any questions or concerns during the enrollment process.


Surah Al Maun offers valuable lessons about compassion and sincerity. Moddakir Academy provides the perfect platform to understand and implement these lessons through their comprehensive Quranic and Arabic courses. Whether you are a beginner or looking to deepen your knowledge, Moddakir Academy is your best choice for online Quranic education.

FAQs on Surah Al Maun Transliteration

What is Surah Al Maun?

Surah Al Maun is the 107th chapter of the Quran, focusing on themes of social justice and the importance of caring for orphans and the needy.

How can I learn Quran recitation online?

You can learn Quran recitation online through platforms like Moddakir Academy, which offers structured courses and expert instructors.

What courses does Moddakir Academy offer?

Moddakir Academy offers courses in Quranic recitation, Tajweed, Tafsir, and Arabic language.

Why is learning Arabic important?

Learning Arabic is important for understanding the Quran in its original language and gaining deeper insights into Islamic teachings.

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