Surah Al burooj Transliteration And English Translation

Surah Al burooj Transliteration And English Translation

Last Updated on August 17, 2024

Surah Al-Burooj, the 85th chapter of the Quran, is a powerful surah that holds deep meaning and lessons for believers. It consists of 22 verses and speaks about the people of the trench, the Day of Judgment, and Allah’s eternal watch over His creation. Understanding, memorizing, and reflecting on this surah can bring immense spiritual benefits. Let’s explore the transliteration, English translation, benefits, and lessons of Surah Al-Burooj, and how Moddakir Academy can assist you in memorizing and reciting it perfectly.

Surah Al-Burooj Transliteration

For those who are not familiar with reading Arabic script, the transliteration of Surah Al-Burooj can be a helpful tool to aid in memorization and recitation. Here is the transliteration of the first few verses:

  1. Was-samaa-ei thatil burooj
  2. Wal yawmil maw’ood
  3. Washaa-hidiw wamash-hood
  4. Qutila as-haabul ukhdood
  5. Annaari thaatil waqood
  6. Eth hom ‘alayha qu’ood
  7. Wahom ‘ala ma yaf’aloona belmo/meneena shohood

Surah Al burooj Transliteration

Surah Al-Burooj English Translation

  1. By the sky containing great stars
  2. And [by] the promised Day
  3. And [by] the witness and what is witnessed,
  4. Destroyed [i.e., cursed] were the companions of the trench
  5. [Containing] the fire full of fuel,
  6. When they were sitting near it.
  7. And they, to what they were doing against the believers, were witnesses.

These verses remind us of the power of Allah and the fate of those who oppose His message. The surah goes on to narrate the story of the people who were burned in the trench for their belief in Allah, emphasizing the importance of steadfastness in faith.

Surah Al-Burooj Benefits

Reciting Surah Al-Burooj brings numerous benefits, both spiritual and worldly:

  • Protection from Harm: Regular recitation of this surah is believed to protect believers from oppression and harm.
  • Strength in Faith: The story of the people of the trench serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of holding onto faith, even in the face of severe trials.
  • Remembrance of the Day of Judgment: This surah emphasizes the reality of the Day of Judgment, encouraging believers to live righteous lives in preparation for the hereafter.

Surah Al-Burooj Lessons

Surah Al-Burooj offers several profound lessons:

  • Steadfastness in Faith: The surah teaches the importance of remaining firm in one’s belief, no matter the challenges or persecutions faced.
  • Divine Justice: It reassures believers that Allah’s justice will prevail, and the wrongdoers will be held accountable.
  • Eternal Reward: The surah emphasizes that those who endure trials with patience and faith will be rewarded in the hereafter.

Memorize and Recite Surah Al-Burooj with Moddakir Academy

Moddakir Academy offers a comprehensive online course designed to help students memorize and recite Surah Al-Burooj with perfect Tajweed. Our experienced tutors provide personalized 1-on-1 sessions, ensuring that each student receives the guidance they need to recite the surah accurately. With interactive lessons and regular practice, students can achieve fluency in recitation and a deep understanding of the surah’s meaning and significance.

Why is Moddakir Academy Your Best Choice for Online Arabic Courses?

Moddakir Academy is the ideal choice for those seeking to learn Arabic and Quranic recitation online. Here’s why:

  • Qualified Tutors: Our instructors are certified in Tajweed and Arabic language, ensuring high-quality teaching.
  • Personalized Learning: Each student receives individual attention, with lessons tailored to their pace and level.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Classes can be arranged at times that suit the student’s schedule, making it easy to fit learning into busy lives.
  • Interactive Platform: Our online platform is user-friendly and equipped with tools that make learning engaging and effective.
  • Affordable Fees: We offer high-quality education at a price that is accessible to all.


Surah Al-Burooj is a surah rich with lessons of faith, perseverance, and divine justice. By learning and reciting it, believers can strengthen their faith and gain protection from harm. With Moddakir Academy, students have the opportunity to memorize and recite Surah Al-Burooj with expert guidance, ensuring they achieve fluency in recitation and a deep understanding of the surah’s teachings. Whether you’re looking to enhance your Quranic knowledge or improve your Arabic language skills, Moddakir Academy is your best choice for online learning.

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