Surah Al Balad Transliteration

Surah Al Balad Transliteration And English Translation

Last Updated on July 18, 2024

Surah Al Balad is one of the profound chapters of the Holy Quran, offering deep insights and spiritual guidance. This article explores the significance of Surah Al Balad, provides its transliteration and English translation, and highlights how you can memorize it effectively with the help of Moddakir Academy. By the end of this article, you’ll understand the beauty of this Surah and the resources available to master it.


Surah Al Balad, also known as “The City,” is the 90th chapter of the Quran. Revealed in Mecca, it reflects the hardships faced by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the early Muslims. The Surah emphasizes patience, resilience, and the value of perseverance through trials.


Main Themes and Messages

The primary message of Surah Al Balad is the contrast between the struggle and ease, highlighting the importance of striving for righteousness. It reminds believers of their moral responsibilities and the rewards awaiting those who overcome difficulties with faith.


Surah Al Balad Transliteration

Transliteration helps non-Arabic speakers pronounce the Arabic text of the Quran accurately. It’s a bridge for learners to connect with the original text, facilitating better understanding and memorization.

Transliteration of the first 10 verses of Surah Al Balad

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

  1. La uqsimu bihaz-al-balad
  2. Wa anta hillum bihaz-al-balad
  3. Wa walidin wa ma walad
  4. Laqad khalaqnal insana fee kabad
  5. Ayahsabu an lan yaqdira ‘alayhi ahad
  6. Yaqulu ahlaktu malan lubada
  7. Ayahsabu an lam yarahu ahad
  8. Alam naj’al lahu ‘aynayn
  9. Wa lisanaw wa shafatayn
  10. Wa hadaynahu najdayn

Surah Al Balad Transliteration And English Translation

Surah Al Balad English Translation

Only the first 10 verses:

  1. I swear by this city (Makkah);
  2. And you are free (from sin, and to punish the enemies of Islâm on the Day of the conquest) in this city (Makkah).
  3. And by the begetter (i.e. Adam عليه السلام) and that which he begot (i.e. his progeny).
  4. Verily, We have created man in toil.
  5. Does he think that none can overcome him?
  6. He says (boastfully): “I have wasted wealth in abundance!”
  7. Does he think that none sees him?
  8. Have We not made for him two eyes,
  9. And a tongue and two lips?
  10. And shown him the two ways (good and evil)?


Understanding the meaning of the Quranic verses is crucial for gaining insights and reflecting on their teachings. The translation makes the message of the Quran accessible to a broader audience.

Memorizing Surah Al Balad

Memorizing Surah Al Balad not only enhances spiritual connection but also serves as a source of guidance and comfort in times of difficulty. It instills discipline and strengthens one’s faith.

Techniques for Memorization

  • Repetition: Repeating verses daily helps in retention.
  • Listening: Listening to recitations by skilled Qaris.
  • Understanding: Comprehending the meaning aids memorization.
  • Writing: Writing verses down can reinforce memory.
  • Recitation in Prayer: Incorporating the Surah in daily prayers.

Role of Moddakir Academy

Moddakir Academy is dedicated to teaching the Quran with proper Tajweed and memorization techniques. They offer personalized learning plans tailored to individual needs.

Why Choose Moddakir Academy for Learning Surah Al Balad

Moddakir Academy provides experienced teachers who are proficient in both teaching and recitation. They offer flexible schedules and one-on-one sessions to ensure effective learning.

How to Book a Free Trial with Moddakir Academy

Visit our free trial page, then fill out the form to reach out to us with the course you need to start. Try us first, then decide.

During the free trial, you’ll experience a personalized lesson with one of Moddakir Academy’s qualified teachers. This session will help you understand their teaching methods and how they can assist you in memorizing Surah Al Balad.


Surah Al Balad is a powerful chapter of the Quran that teaches perseverance and moral responsibility. Whether you are looking to understand its meaning, memorize it, or recite it correctly, resources like transliteration, translation, and Moddakir Academy’s guidance can be incredibly beneficial. Start your journey today and enrich your spiritual life.

FAQs on Surah Al Balad Transliteration

  1. What is the significance of Surah Al Balad?
    Surah Al Balad emphasizes the importance of perseverance and moral responsibilities, reflecting the struggles and rewards in life.
  2. How long does it take to memorize Surah Al Balad?
    The time varies for each individual, but with consistent practice, one can memorize it within a few weeks.
  3. Can I learn Surah Al Balad online?
    Yes, platforms like Moddakir Academy offer online lessons tailored to help you learn and memorize Surah Al Balad.
  4. What are the benefits of learning with Moddakir Academy?
    Moddakir Academy offers personalized lessons, experienced teachers, and flexible scheduling to enhance your learning experience.
  5. How do I book a free trial with Moddakir Academy?
    Visit the Moddakir Academy website, fill out the registration form, and we will reply to you later.

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