Muslim man taking ablution for prayer

How to make wudu (ablution) for prayer?

Last Updated on July 17, 2024

Wudu: The Ritual Purification in Islam

In Islam, wudu (ablution) holds significant spiritual and practical importance. Derived from the Arabic term meaning “purification,” wudu entails a series of specific cleansing actions that Muslims perform to spiritually prepare themselves for acts of worship, particularly prayer (salah). This essay explores the meaning, purpose, steps, virtues, prerequisites, and post-ablution supplication associated with wudu.

Meaning and Purpose of Wudu

Wudu is a ritual washing performed by Muslims to purify themselves before engaging in acts of worship, primarily salah. It symbolizes purity and cleanliness, both outwardly and inwardly. The Quran instructs believers, stating, “O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles” (Quran 5:6). This verse outlines the basic components of wudu, emphasizing cleanliness as a prerequisite for prayer.

Prerequisite for the Validity of Prayer

In Islamic teachings, wudu is a prerequisite for the validity of salah. Performing prayer without wudu is considered invalid. This underscores the significance of purity in both physical and spiritual senses when communicating with the Divine.

Steps of Wudu

The steps of wudu are precise and methodical:

  1. Intention (Niyyah): A sincere intention to perform wudu for the purpose of worship, then say: (Bism Allah).
  2. Washing your Hands: Begin by washing both hands up to the wrists three times, Make sure the water gets through your fingers.
  3. Rinsing your Mouth and Nose: Use water to rinse the mouth and then sniff water into the nostrils, cleansing them.
  4. Washing your Face: Wash the face from the hairline to the chin and from ear to ear.
  5. Washing your Arms: Start from your with the right hand’s fingers, through the arm up to the elbow, followed by the left, ensuring water reaches all parts.
  6. Wiping your Head: Lightly wet hands and wipe over the head once.
  7. Washing your Feet: Wash each foot up to the ankles, ensuring water reaches between the toes.

Do each step in sequence, ensuring thorough cleanliness before proceeding to the next.

Virtues of Wudu

Wudu holds virtues beyond physical cleanliness. It is purifying the heart and soul, preparing the individual to stand before Allah in prayer with a clear mind and focused spirit. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized its importance, stating, “The key to paradise is prayer and the key to prayer is cleanliness” (Muslim). Thus, wudu is seen as a gateway to spiritual elevation and closeness to Allah.

Invalidators of Wudu

Certain actions and conditions invalidate wudu, necessitating its renewal before performing salah. These include:
– Urination, defecation or farting.
– Deep sleep
– Loss of consciousness
– Intentional vomiting
In such cases, wudu must be performed again to regain the state of purity required for prayer.

Duaa after Wudu

Upon completing wudu, it is recommended to supplicate to Allah, seeking His blessings and purification. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught specific duaas to recite after wudu, such as:

“Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh. Allahumm aj’alni minat-tawwabina waj’alni minal-mutatahhirin.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).

by this supplication we seek forgiveness and asks Allah to include us among those who repent and purify themselves.


Wudu is not merely a ritualistic act of physical cleansing but a profound spiritual preparation in Islam. It signifies purity of heart and mind, essential for the spiritual elevation attained through prayer. Understanding its meaning, steps, virtues, prerequisites, invalidators, and the significance of supplication after wudu deepens one’s appreciation of this essential practice in the life of a Muslim.

Related: Which Surah to Recite After Each Prayer?

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